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The results of the two procedures were compared with a mean follow up of Wedding Shoes on Sale months for open repair and 28 months for laparoscopic repair. Obstetrical or gynecological procedure was the most common index surgery leading to Cheap Manolo Blahnik Shoes hernia and lower midline incision was the most common site of hernia. The mean defect size in open repair group was 55.2 cm(2) and 62.2 cm(2) in laparoscopic repair group. Polypropylene mesh was used in all cases. Investigators publish new data in the report 'Laparoscopic and open incisional hernia repair using polypropylene mesh - a comparative single centre study.' According to recent research from India, "Repair of incisional hernias continues to be a challenging surgical procedure for general surgeons (see also Hernias). Cheap Manolo Blahnik Shoes open mesh repair and laparoscopic repair are the two main options available for general surgeon for managing this complication." "Laparoscopic repair Cheap Manolo Blahnik Shoes offers all the advantages of minimal access surgery but is a costly procedure especially due to the use of costly composite mesh.

Par ruguo le vendredi 22 octobre 2010


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