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The researchers concluded: "We conclude that no adjustment manolo blahnik sex is necessary when using common reference data for both men and women, whereas using sex-specific reference data requires a substantial secondary adjustment for sex." Langsetmo and colleagues published their study in the Journal of Bone & Mineral Research (Using the same bone density reference database for men and women provides a simpler Christian Louboutin Pumps Sale of fracture risk. Journal of Bone & Mineral Research, 2010;25(10):2108-14). For additional information, contact L. Langsetmo, CaMos National Coordinating Center, McGill University, Montreal Quebec, Canada.There has been no study of the effects of mandibular bone and alveolar bone loss in both sexes under conditions of simulated microgravity. This study was Christian Louboutin Sandals Sale to investigate bone mineral density; bone mineral content; matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8, MMP-9, cathepsin K, and osteocalcin levels in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF); and salivary and serum osteocalcin levels in normal healthy men and women under conditions of simulated microgravity, namely, -6[Christian Louboutin Shoes Sale(s)] head-down-tilt (HDT) bed rest.

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