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Despite the absence of a specific multilateral deal, the uneasy truce aimed at defusing a "Wedding Shoes war" that's buffeted global markets appeared to lift risk sentiment. Rabobank analysts said in a report that investors "will now focus on the upcoming U.S. Federal Reserve meeting in early November as a source of 'official-led' impact on markets." Chinese metals, coal and airline stocks were the leaders in Shanghai and Cheap Yves Saint Laurent Shoes Kong, with Jiangxi Copper rising by the day's 10% limit, China Shenhua Energy rising 3.9% and China Eastern Airlines gaining 5.8% in Shanghai. In Hong Kong, the stocks rose 5.7%, 3.6% Cheap Yves Saint Laurent Shoes 2.2%, respectively. In Shanghai, shares of Chinese banks also advanced on hopes for strong earnings, with the five largest mainland lenders by assets announcing their results this week. Industrial & Commercial Bank of China advanced 1.1% and Bank of China gained 1.7%. In Tokyo, concerns about the strong yen continued to weigh on Cheap Yves Saint Laurent Shoes . Canon was down 1.1% and Hitachi losing 0.8%.

Par ruguo le lundi 01 novembre 2010


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