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Unit net cash costs for 2010 would change by approximately $0.Christian Louboutin Shoes per pound for each $50 per ounce change in the average price of gold for the fourth quarter of 2010. Quarterly unit net cash costs will vary significantly with Christian Louboutin Boots in quarterly metal sales volumes. Development Activities. FCX has several attractive development projects in the Grasberg minerals district, primarily related to the development of the large-scale, high-grade underground ore bodies located beneath and adjacent to the Grasberg open pit. In aggregate, these ore bodies are expected to ramp up to approximately 240,000 metric tons of ore per day following depletion of the Grasberg open pit. The world-scale Deep Ore Zone underground mine has been expanded to 80,000 metric tons of ore per pumps shoes and the development of the high-grade Big Gossan mine is expected to begin production in 2011 and reach full rates of 7,christian high heels metric tons of ore per day by the end of 2012. Substantial progress has been made in developing infrastructure and underground workings that will enable access to the underground ore bodies.

Par ruguo le mardi 02 novembre 2010


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