Christman estimated the value of the stolen items at about $24,Wedding Shoes on Sale if sold at auction. Some of the pieces -- including a U.S. Calvary belt buckle with embedded mini-ball -- have been recovered by Poquoson Police Sgt. D.S. Cheap Manolo Blahnik Shoes and detective Lisa Turner. Other items have proved elusive. Police are still searching for a white shaker for spice or pepper (1790-1830); a fish oil lamp (1700-1820); a "Detty Lamp" with hanger and a catalog number on the bottom (1690-1840); an iron grease lamp (1690-1800); iron candle snuffers (1700-1840); flint and stone knives; a cream, blue and yellow colored sugar dish and creamer (1750-1780) and a woven wool coverlet that is blue and white (1842-1846). Christman said a Civil War brass belt stamped with "Virginia" (1853-1860) and a "Cheap Manolo Blahnik Shoes " document box (1810-1840) are two items yet to be recovered that are dearest to him. "Normally, you'd find this stuff in unique or higher end antique shops," he said. According to the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, The present invention relates to liquid entrapping devices ( absorbent non-woven fibrous mats) Cheap Manolo Blahnik Shoes to a process for preparing such devices.