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Norwalk detectives Louie Giannattasio and Ryan Evarts, who were in Bridgeport looking Yves Saint Laurent Shoes Leydon at about 10 a.m. Sunday, spotted him driving the pickup on North Avenue, police said. After a Bridgeport cruiser pulled Leydon over, he allegedly sped away in the truck, engaging police in pursuit. A short time later, he crashed into two cars parked on Grasso Terrace, police said. He tried to run away, but a Bridgeport police dog Jimmy Choo Platform Crisscross Silver grey Sandal him and brought him to the ground, Lt. Paul Resnick said. Although Leydon was initially taken to Norwalk Hospital for bite wounds to his leg, he was kept for observation Monday, Resnick said. He is to be arraigned on his robbery and larceny charge at state Superior Court in Norwalk on Tuesday. He is being held in lieu of $250,000 bond. Westport police are Jimmy Choo Platform Slingback Palladium white expected to charge him in their armed gas station robbery from last Friday. Inside Jimmy Choo Platform Slingback snake white truck, police found a cocked .44 caliber black revolver and two large knives, Resnick said.

Par ruguo le mercredi 24 novembre 2010


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