Christian Louboutin ends in July

The death of a band is a sad affair, no matter what the reasons are for its demise. If you Yves Saint Laurent Shoes the 2-year-old Athens-based band The Corduroy Road, your last chance to see them locally will be Friday at Still Water Tap Room, 974 Broad Manolo Blahnik Silk Pump in Gold. Music starts at 10 p.m., and admission is $5. The site also contains a statement that reads: "We're announcing that The Corduroy Road will not be booking anymore shows after the current touring ends in July. "Over the past months, life has taken some of our members in other directions that, no doubt, are much bigger than what we so humbly do on stage. "Starting families, pursuing Manolo Blahnik Silk Pump in Pink and other careers have unfortunately meant losing band members, but very fortunately haven't meant we've lost any friendships. With that said, we must bid you a warm adieu. "Thank you all from the very deepest of our hearts for coming to our shows, buying our CDs, giving us your homes to sleep in, Manolo Blahnik Silk Pump in Purple to eat, ears for listening and your steady kindness."

Par ruguo le jeudi 25 novembre 2010


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