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Increased auto parts traffic, cross-border conversions and trans-Pacific volumes through the Yves Saint Laurent Shoes of Lazaro Cardenas drove continuing growth. Traffic through Lazaro Cardenas increased 47% over last year. Automotive Jimmy Choo Wells Light Cutout purple Shoes, up by 64% over last year driven by: 18% increase in volume. Positive pricing impacts on new cross-border contracts. Currency. Economic Indicators: US purchasing managers index: Volumes are closely correlated to this metric. Industrial production in US and Mexico stabilized in 5-7%. Based on aforementioned indicators, believes rail volume growth will continue to be positive for foreseeable future. 8. Market Outlook: 4Q10, quite favorable. Month-to-date in Oct., seeing higher daily avg. carloadings than at any time over past four years. Back to pre-recession Jimmy Choo Wells Light Cutout white Shoes. Macroeconomic indicators are healthy, particularly in Mexico, where economy is Jimmy Choo Wells Light Cutout yellow Shoes to grow faster than US. Mexico's cost of labor is significantly lower than US and essentially equal to rates in China.

Par ruguo le vendredi 26 novembre 2010


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